Friday, January 15, 2010


My feature article that you are about to be reading is going to be about PRISON. I think it is unfair that people go to jail for a certain amount of time because of one thing.

There are many things that hurt people in jail. Such as : All the people in there worry about is, Food, water, cigarette's, and survival. One person I interviewed named, James Nesbit said, "When I was in jail all I did was smoke and play cards. I have been in jail since i was 19. In jail I didn't have a opporturnity to do one thing that involved education. I didn't even get to go to college because I was in jail and I'm 36 years old."

One thing that I think hurts people in jail the most is that they also have feelings. Everyone knows that in order to live a good life you have to get some kind of love from someone you love a whole lot. Also that you should always give respect so that you can get respect and you will always have a smile on your face.